- Medical Care:
- Accredited since:
- November 2024
- Opening date:
- March/2003
- Service hours:
- Outpatient clinics:
- 9:00-18:00
- Laboratory:
- 24/7
- Imaging department/radiology:
- 24/7
- Pharmacy:
- 9:00-18:00
- International patient department:
- 9:00-18:00
- Number of beds:
- 24
- Spoken languages:
- Medical staff/doctors:
- English, Russian, Georgian
- Nurses:
- Russian, Georgian
- Administrative staff:
- English, Russian, Georgian
Disciplines and specialties
Internal medicine
Hemodialysis | |
Gastroenterology | |
Pneumonology | |
Cardiology | |
Infectious diseases |
Other medical specialties
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) | |
Ophthalmology | |
Neurology | |
Orthopedics | |
Gynecology/obstetrics | |
Pediatrics | |
Endocrinologist |
Radiology and imaging services
Digital X-ray | |
Portable X-ray | |
Ultrasound |