- Medical Care:
- Accredited since:
- October 2024
- Opening date:
- 08/2017
- Service hours:
- Outpatient clinics:
- 9:30-17:00
- Laboratory:
- 24/7
- Imaging department/radiology:
- 9:30-17:00 and after service hours - on call
- International patient department:
- 24/7
- Number of beds:
- 25
- Spoken languages:
- Medical staff/doctors:
- English, Italian, Russian
- Nurses:
- English, Russian
- Administrative staff:
- English, Italian, Russian
Disciplines and specialties
Surgical disciplines
Obstetrics/gynecological surgery |
Internal medicine
Nephrology | |
Cardiology | |
Hematology | |
Oncology | |
Infectious diseases | |
The clinic has consultants in the abovementioned internal medicine disciplines, but there is no special unit for internal medicine. Additionally, there are Endocrinologist, Reproductologist and Physician services also provided. Antenatal monitoring covers consultations of the above fields for the clinic's pregnant patients. |
Other medical specialties
Cytology | |
Dentistry | |
Gynecology/obstetrics | |
Diabetic clinic (or similar) | |
Pain management | |
The clinic provides antenatal services, so we have both full-time medical specialists and consultants. |
Radiology and imaging services
Portable X-ray | |
Ultrasound |